KYOCERA AVX Components s.r.o. (before AVX Czech Republic s.r.o.) is part of the multinational KYOCERA AVX Corporation based in South Carolina, USA (owned by the Japanese company Kyocera Group). KYOCERA AVX Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer of passive electronic components and a recognized technical leader in the industry. Its market share also makes it a dominant player in the world market.
Part of the tantalum division is the Lanškroun plant, which was founded in 1992 under the name AVX Czechoslovakia s.r.o. based on successful cooperation between AVX Corporation and Tesla Lanškroun (traditional electronic components manufacturer).
The Lanškroun plant was the first KYOCERA AVX Corporation plant in the Czech Republic, gradually expanding and currently KYOCERA AVX Components s.r.o. has four factories producing a wide range of products.
All KYOCERA AVX Components s.r.o. plants in Czech Republic hold all the necessary certifications for product distribution even for the most demanding markets.
In total, the company has more than 2500 employees in the Czech Republic, of which, more than 150 are expert technicians, technical and development engineers.
We consolidate our leadership in the traditional high-volume commercial market (mobile phones, computers, television, gaming consoles, etc.) This requires offering the best technical and cost-effective solutions, achievable through efficient production, implementation of cost-saving programs, yield improvement, saving in materials and manufacturing in the most cost-effective plants.